Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degree Year
Pitkin, Timothy Doctor of Laws 1829
Sherman, Roger Minott Doctor of Laws 1829
Tenney, Caleb Jewett Doctor of Divinity 1829
Ticknor, Luther Doctor of Medicine 1829
Yale, Elisha Master of Arts 1829
Alsop, John Master of Arts 1828
Catlin, Conant Doctor of Medicine 1828
Cornwell, Joshua Doctor of Medicine 1828
DeLancey, William Heathcote Doctor of Divinity 1828
Hopkins, Samuel Miles Doctor of Laws 1828
Jennings, Isaac Doctor of Medicine 1828
Manning, Luther Doctor of Medicine 1828
Robinson, William Doctor of Medicine 1828
Smith, Isaac Doctor of Medicine 1828
White, Jabez Loomis Doctor of Medicine 1828
Woodward, Henry Doctor of Medicine 1828
Albro, John Adams Master of Arts 1827
Andrews, John Doctor of Medicine 1827
Baldwin, Elijah Doctor of Medicine 1827
Chauncey, Charles Doctor of Laws 1827
Comstock, Daniel Doctor of Medicine 1827
Daggett, David Doctor of Laws 1827
Dwight, Timothy Master of Arts 1827
Edwards, Justin Doctor of Divinity 1827
Foulke, John Brain Master of Arts 1827
Green, Jacob Doctor of Medicine 1827
Hinman, Chester Bachelor of Arts 1827
Hubbard, Samuel Doctor of Laws 1827
Ingersoll, Charles Anthony Master of Arts 1827
Mercer, Archibald Doctor of Medicine 1827
Pond, James Otis Doctor of Medicine 1827
Scott, John Witherspoon Master of Arts 1827
Simons, Samuel Doctor of Medicine 1827
Welles, Gaylord Doctor of Medicine 1827
Battell, Philip Bachelor of Arts 1826
Bowdoin, James Master of Arts 1826
Brainard, Dyar Throop Doctor of Medicine 1826
Brundage, Abner Master of Arts 1826
Buel, Samuel Doctor of Medicine 1826
Colton, Chauncey Bachelor of Arts 1826
Fish, Henry Doctor of Medicine 1826
Glover, Samuel Master of Arts 1826
Goodsell, Isaac Doctor of Medicine 1826
Harris, Andrew Doctor of Medicine 1826
Hunt, Eleazar Doctor of Medicine 1826
Lawrence, William Beach Master of Arts 1826
Price, Eliphalet Master of Arts 1826
Stevens, William Augustus Bachelor of Arts 1826
Walley, Samuel Hurd Bachelor of Arts 1826
Warren, William Young Bachelor of Arts 1826