Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degree Year
Curie,Marie, Madame Doctor of Science 1921
Davis, John William Doctor of Laws 1921
Grinnell, George Bird Doctor of Letters 1921
Holcomb, Marcus Hensey Doctor of Laws 1921
Hutchins, William James Doctor of Divinity 1921
Jones,Robert, Sir Doctor of Laws 1921
Lathrop, Julia Clifford Master of Arts 1921
Marshall, Archibald Doctor of Letters 1921
Noguchi, Hideyo Doctor of Science 1921
Rogers, James Gamble Master of Arts 1921
Stokes, Anson Phelps Doctor of Laws 1921
Armsby, Henry Prentiss Doctor of Science 1920
Brown, Preston Master of Arts 1920
Cuyler, Thomas Dewitt Doctor of Laws 1920
Darrach, William Master of Arts 1920
Feuillerat, Albert Doctor of Letters 1920
Geddes,Auckland Campbell, Rt. Hon. Sir Doctor of Laws 1920
Goodenough, Arthur Doctor of Divinity 1920
Hawkes, Herbert Edwin Master of Arts 1920
Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules Doctor of Laws 1920
McBride, Malcolm Lee Master of Arts 1920
Nelson, Edward William Master of Arts 1920
Pershing, John Joseph Doctor of Laws 1920
Brent,Charles Henry, Right Rev. Doctor of Divinity 1919
Coffin, Charles Albert Master of Arts 1919
Cushing, Harvey Doctor of Science 1919
Leffingwell, Russell Cornell Master of Arts 1919
Lemordant, Lieutenant Jean-Julien Master of Arts 1919
McClenahan, Robert Stewart Master of Arts 1919
Mercier, Cardinal Doctor of Laws 1919
Petty, Orville Anderson Doctor of Divinity 1919
Sims, Admiral William Sowden Doctor of Laws 1919
Snow, William Josiah Doctor of Laws 1919
Stratton, Samuel Wesley Doctor of Science 1919
Wadhams, Samuel Hosea Master of Arts 1919
Wright, Orville Master of Arts 1919
Aiken, Alfred Lawrence Master of Arts 1918
Bartlett, Paul Wayland Master of Arts 1918
Brooks, Henry Stanford Master of Arts 1918
Crowell, Benedict Master of Arts 1918
Dakin, Henry Drysdale Doctor of Science 1918
Davison, Henry Pomeroy Doctor of Laws 1918
Gregg, James Edgar Doctor of Divinity 1918
Hoover, Herbert Clark Doctor of Laws 1918
Masefield, John Doctor of Letters 1918
Morse, Edward Sylvester Doctor of Science 1918
Polk, Frank Lyon Master of Arts 1918
Reading,Rufus Daniel Isaacs Viscount, Right Honorable Doctor of Laws 1918
Riddell, William Renwick Doctor of Laws 1918
Scoville, Robert Master of Arts 1918