Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degree Yearsort ascending
Chauncey, Charles Master of Arts 1779
G rard, Conrad Alexandre Doctor of Laws 1779
Griswold, Matthew Doctor of Laws 1779
Huntington, Samuel Master of Arts 1779
Leverett, John Master of Arts 1779
Thayer, John Bachelor of Arts 1779
Trumbull, Jonathan Doctor of Laws 1779
Stiles, Ezra Bachelor of Arts 1778
Haven, Samuel Master of Arts 1778
Kellogg, David Master of Arts 1778
Macclintock, Nathaniel Master of Arts 1778
Stebbins, Samuel Master of Arts 1778
Farrand, Daniel Master of Arts 1777
Smith, John Master of Arts 1777
MacWhorter, Alexander Doctor of Divinity 1776
Treat, Richard Doctor of Divinity 1776
Tyler, Royall Bachelor of Arts 1776
Gray, Samuel Master of Arts 1775
Eliot, Andrew Master of Arts 1774
Foster, Dan Master of Arts 1774
Lord, Benjamin Doctor of Divinity 1774
Marsh, John Master of Arts 1774
Perkins, Nathan Master of Arts 1774
Church, Benjamin Master of Arts 1773
Gordon, William Master of Arts 1773
Huntington, David Bachelor of Arts 1773
Jackson, Richard Doctor of Laws 1773
Wiliams, Solomon Master of Arts 1773
Williams, Seth Master of Arts 1773
Greene, David Master of Arts 1772
Horton, Ezra Master of Arts 1772
Howell, David Master of Arts 1772
Sedgwick, Theodore Master of Arts 1772
Smith, Hezekiah Master of Arts 1772
Whiting, Samuel Master of Arts 1772
Close, John Master of Arts 1771
Mills, William Master of Arts 1771
Foster, Isaac Master of Arts 1770
Graham, Jonathan Bachelor of Arts 1770
Hazard, Nathaniel Master of Arts 1770
Huntington, Jedidiah Master of Arts 1770
Kellogg, Solomon Master of Arts 1770
Brattle, Thomas Master of Arts 1769
Edwards, Jonathan Master of Arts 1769
Hancock, John Master of Arts 1769
Williams, Nehemiah Master of Arts 1769
Hanna, William Master of Arts 1768
Kirkland, Samuel Master of Arts 1768
Knox, Hugh Master of Arts 1768
Sherman, Roger Master of Arts 1768