Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degree Yearsort ascending
Carter, Ralph Doctor of Medicine 1838
Herrick, Edward Claudius Master of Arts 1838
Welch, Benjamin Doctor of Medicine 1838
Adams, Ripley Perkins Master of Arts 1837
Foltz, Jonathan Messersmith Master of Arts 1837
Rogers, James Doctor of Medicine 1837
Sophocles, Evangelinus Apostolides Master of Arts 1837
Stiles, William Henry Master of Arts 1837
Woodward, Charles Doctor of Medicine 1837
Gold, Samuel Wadsworth Doctor of Medicine 1836
Kellogg, Gardiner Master of Arts 1836
Ticknor, Benajah Doctor of Medicine 1836
Tyler, Lucius Doctor of Medicine 1836
Welch, Archibald Doctor of Medicine 1836
Allen, Charles Master of Arts 1836
DeCamp, Samuel Grandon Johnston Doctor of Medicine 1836
Burton, Nathan Master of Arts 1835
Caitlin, Lyman Doctor of Medicine 1835
Dunn, William McKee Master of Arts 1835
Eldridge, Charles Doctor of Medicine 1835
Hill, Benjamin Munro Master of Arts 1835
Hyde, William Doctor of Medicine 1835
Lay, George Washington Master of Arts 1835
Shelton, Nathan Doctor of Medicine 1835
Barratt, Joseph Doctor of Medicine 1834
Birch, Robert Master of Arts 1834
Cole, Erastus Master of Arts 1834
Foot, Samuel Augustus Doctor of Laws 1834
Fowler, Remus Marcus Master of Arts 1834
Ives, Edward John Master of Arts 1834
Ladd, Abijah Doctor of Medicine 1834
Mantell, Gideon Algernon Doctor of Laws 1834
Matheson, James Doctor of Divinity 1834
North, Milo Linus Doctor of Medicine 1834
Punderson, Samuel Doctor of Medicine 1834
Reed, Andrew Doctor of Divinity 1834
Seeley, Lloyd Doctor of Medicine 1834
Spencer, Joshua Austin Master of Arts 1834
Stoddard, Benjamin Franklin Doctor of Medicine 1834
Watkins, Claiborne A. Master of Arts 1834
Wikoff, Henry Bachelor of Arts 1834
Williams, Thomas Scott Doctor of Laws 1834
Austin, Caleb Hopkins Doctor of Medicine 1833
Beecher, William Henry Master of Arts 1833
Wheaton, Nathaniel Shelton Doctor of Laws 1833
Chambers, Ezekiel Forman Doctor of Laws 1833
Winslow, Gordon Master of Arts 1833
Davies, Gustavus Fellowes Master of Arts 1833
Wright, Theodore Lyman Master of Arts 1833
Dow, Horatio Doctor of Medicine 1833