Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Namesort descending Degree Year
Motley, Constance Baker Doctor of Laws 1987
Mott, John R. Master of Arts 1899
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick Doctor of Laws 2000
Mu, Ch'ien Doctor of Humane Letters 1960
Muir, James Doctor of Divinity 1791
Muir, John Doctor of Letters 1911
Mulford, Elisha Doctor of Laws 1872
Mulvey, Laura Doctor of Humanities 2018
Munger, Theodore Thornton Doctor of Divinity 1908
Munsell, Jabez Master of Arts 1799
Munson, Cyrus LaRue Master of Arts 1891
Murakami, Haruki Doctor of Letters 2016
Murdock, David Master of Arts 1852
Murphy, Edgar Gardner Master of Arts 1904
Murphy, Fred Towsley Master of Arts 1914
Murray, John Courtney, S.J. Doctor of Divinity 1966
Murray, Pauli Doctor of Divinity 1979
Musk, Elon Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2015
Musser, John M. Doctor of Laws 1980
Myrdal, Gunnar K. Doctor of Laws 1959
Nabuco, Joaquim Doctor of Letters 1908
Naon, Romulo Doctor of Laws 1914
Nash, Norman Burdett Doctor of Divinity 1949
Nash, William Burr Doctor of Medicine 1852
Nathans, Daniel Doctor of Science 1986
Naud , Rev. C.F. Beyers Doctor of Divinity 1989
Ndour, Youssou Doctor of Music 2011
Needham, Wesley E. Master of Arts 1954
Neilson, William Allan Doctor of Letters 1927
Nelson, Edward William Master of Arts 1920
Neuwirth, Angelika Doctor of Divinity 2012
Newberry, Roger Master of Arts 1793
Newberry, Truman Handy Master of Arts 1910
Newcomb, Simon Doctor of Laws 1875
Newell, Samuel Master of Arts 1811
Newman, Paul Doctor of Humane Letters 1988
Ngugi, wa Thiong’o Doctor of Letters 2017
Nichols, Charles Master of Arts 1871
Nicolson, Marjorie H. Doctor of Humane Letters 1963
Niebuhr, Rev. Reinhold Doctor of Divinity 1942
Niemeyer, John Henry Master of Arts 1874
Nightingale, John Clark Master of Arts 1795
Nightingale, John Clark Bachelor of Arts 1790
Niles, Benjamin Master of Arts 1815
Nirenberg, Marshall Doctor of Science 1965
Noble, John Willock Doctor of Laws 1891
Noguchi, Hideyo Doctor of Science 1921
Nooyi, Indra K. Doctor of Humane Letters 2019
Norman, Jessye Doctor of Music 1990
Norstad, Lauris Doctor of Laws 1963