Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort descending Year
Wald, Florence Schorske Doctor of Medical Sciences 1995
Wexler, Nancy Sabin Doctor of Medical Sciences 2006
Hood, Lee Doctor of Medical Sciences 2009
Beck, Aaron Temkin Doctor of Medical Sciences 2012
Fauci, Anthony Stephen Doctor of Medical Sciences 2003
Cooke, Robert E., M.D. Doctor of Medical Sciences 1994
Foege, William Doctor of Medical Sciences 2005
Bennett, Jean Doctor of Medical Sciences 2022
Carson Sr., Benjamin Solomon Doctor of Medical Sciences 1996
Thier, Dr. Samuel Osiah Doctor of Medical Sciences 2000
Benoliel, Jeanne Quinit Doctor of Medical Sciences 2002
Cooper, Max Dale Doctor of Medical Sciences 2023
Zoghbi, Huda Y. Doctor of Medical Sciences 2014
Friedman, Jeffrey Michael Doctor of Medical Sciences 2015
Richmond, Dr. Julius Benjamin Doctor of Medical Sciences 1999
Peto, Richard Doctor of Medical Sciences 2011
Rowley, Janet Davison Doctor of Medical Sciences 2011
Rhoads, Jonathan E. Doctor of Medical Sciences 1990
Allison, Jim Doctor of Medical Sciences 2020
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey Doctor of Medical Sciences 2024
King, Mary-Claire Doctor of Medical Sciences 2007
Austin, Caleb Hopkins Doctor of Medicine 1833
Miner, John Owen Doctor of Medicine 1816
Aldrich, Henry Doctor of Medicine 1854
Gold, Samuel Wadsworth Doctor of Medicine 1836
Palmer, Joseph Doctor of Medicine 1816
Blackman, George Doctor of Medicine 1845
Milne, George Doctor of Medicine 1785
Kilby, Charles Doctor of Medicine 1789
Johnson, Peleg Doctor of Medicine 1842
Perry, Nathaniel Doctor of Medicine 1816
Ticknor, Benajah Doctor of Medicine 1836
Farnham, Bela Doctor of Medicine 1829
Peters, John Samuel Doctor of Medicine 1818
Marcy, Samuel Sumner Doctor of Medicine 1842
Mercer, Archibald Doctor of Medicine 1827
Tyler, Lucius Doctor of Medicine 1836
Hutchins, Darius Doctor of Medicine 1829
Turner, Daniel Doctor of Medicine 1723
Converse, Joseph Pride Doctor of Medicine 1848
Manning, Mason Doctor of Medicine 1840
Buel, William Doctor of Medicine 1819
Ramsey, David Doctor of Medicine 1789
Dow, Horatio Doctor of Medicine 1833
Pond, James Otis Doctor of Medicine 1827
Wells, Sylvester Doctor of Medicine 1816
Welch, Archibald Doctor of Medicine 1836
Wagner, John Doctor of Medicine 1818
Moody, Anson Doctor of Medicine 1840
Burgess, Mowry Doctor of Medicine 1831