Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort descending Year
Webster, Noah Doctor of Laws 1823
Jones, Reginald H. Doctor of Laws 1979
Myrdal, Gunnar K. Doctor of Laws 1959
Warren, Charles Hyde Doctor of Laws 1947
Reading,Rufus Daniel Isaacs Viscount, Right Honorable Doctor of Laws 1918
Day, Thomas Doctor of Laws 1847
Mansfield, Jared Doctor of Laws 1825
Kerry, John Doctor of Laws 2017
Marshall, Margaret Hilary Doctor of Laws 2012
Sawyer, John E. Doctor of Laws 1974
Alexander, K.G. Doctor of Laws 1947
Pinchot, Gifford Doctor of Laws 1925
Mercier, Cardinal Doctor of Laws 1919
Hibben, John Grier Doctor of Laws 1913
Liang-Cheng,Chentung, Sir Doctor of Laws 1906
Volcker, Paul A. Doctor of Laws 1984
Shapiro, Irving S. Doctor of Laws 1977
Hoffman, Paul Gray Doctor of Laws 1950
Phelps, William Lyon Doctor of Laws 1934
Cram, Ralph Adams Doctor of Laws 1915
Clark, Josiah Doctor of Laws 1875
Choate, Rufus Doctor of Laws 1844
Foot, Samuel Augustus Doctor of Laws 1834
Wolcott, Oliver Doctor of Laws 1819
Dyer, Eliphalet Doctor of Laws 1787
Jackson, Richard Doctor of Laws 1773
Cabot, Paul Codman Doctor of Laws 1965
Stone, Harlan Fiske Doctor of Laws 1924
Riddell, William Renwick Doctor of Laws 1918
Van Buren, William Holme Doctor of Laws 1879
Lewis, John R. Doctor of Laws 2017
Houston, David Franklin Doctor of Laws 1913
Magruder, Benjamin Drake Doctor of Laws 1906
Deming, W. Edwards Doctor of Laws 1991
Williams, Betty Doctor of Laws 1977
Foster, William C. Doctor of Laws 1969
Olds, Irving Sands Doctor of Laws 1956
Soong, Ts Vung Doctor of Laws 1942
Morrow, Dwight Whitney Doctor of Laws 1927
Beach, John Sheldon Doctor of Laws 1887
Eliot, Charles William Doctor of Laws 1870
Calhoun, John Caldwell Doctor of Laws 1822
Huntington, Samuel Doctor of Laws 1787
Hincks, Carroll C. Doctor of Laws 1952
MacVeagh, Franklin Doctor of Laws 1912
Saint Gaudens, Augustus Doctor of Laws 1905
Schuyler, Eugene Doctor of Laws 1885
Hungerford, William Doctor of Laws 1856
Baldwin, Henry Doctor of Laws 1830
Stevenson, Bryan A. Doctor of Laws 2005