Cruz, Celia |
Doctor of Music |
1989 |
Culver, Moses |
Master of Arts |
1853 |
Cumming, Hugh Smith |
Doctor of Laws |
1933 |
Curie,Marie, Madame |
Doctor of Science |
1921 |
Curtis, Edward Lewis |
Doctor of Divinity |
1891 |
Curtis, Josiah |
Master of Arts |
1860 |
Curtiss, Julian Wheeler |
Master of Arts |
1926 |
Cushing, Harvey |
Doctor of Science |
1919 |
Cushing, Harvey |
Master of Arts |
1913 |
Cushing, Thomas |
Master of Arts |
1750 |
Cushing, William |
Master of Arts |
1753 |
Cushing, William Lee |
Master of Arts |
1882 |
Cushman, Elisha |
Master of Arts |
1824 |
Cutler, Lloyd N. |
Doctor of Laws |
1983 |
Cutler, Manasseh |
Doctor of Laws |
1791 |
Cuyler, Thomas Dewitt |
Doctor of Laws |
1920 |
D rpfeld, Wilhelm |
Doctor of Laws |
1895 |
Daggett, David |
Doctor of Laws |
1827 |
Dakin, Henry Drysdale |
Doctor of Science |
1918 |
Dale, Robert William |
Doctor of Divinity |
1877 |
dalVerme, Francesco |
Doctor of Laws |
1783 |
Damrosch, Frank Heino |
Doctor of Music |
1904 |
Dana, Josiah |
Master of Arts |
1766 |
Dana, Samuel Trask |
Doctor of Science |
1953 |
Danford, Robert Melville |
Master of Arts |
1917 |
Daniels, Joseph Leonard |
Doctor of Divinity |
1894 |
Danticat, Edwidge |
Doctor of Letters |
2013 |
Dantzig, George B. |
Doctor of Science |
1978 |
Darlington, William |
Doctor of Laws |
1848 |
Darnton, Robert |
Doctor of Humanities |
2012 |
Darrach, William |
Master of Arts |
1920 |
Davenport, John |
Master of Arts |
1785 |
Davenport, Russell Wheeler |
Master of Arts |
1898 |
Davenport, William Bates |
Master of Arts |
1887 |
Davie, Winston Jones |
Master of Arts |
1877 |
Davies, Gustavus Fellowes |
Master of Arts |
1833 |
Davies, Thomas Frederick |
Doctor of Divinity |
1891 |
Davis, Anthony |
Master of Arts |
1737 |
Davis, John Staige |
Master of Arts |
1925 |
Davis, John William |
Doctor of Laws |
1921 |
Davis, Leonard M. |
Master of Arts |
1816 |
Davis, Natalie Zemon |
Doctor of Humanities |
2013 |
Davis,Katherine Bement, Miss |
Master of Arts |
1915 |
Davison, Henry Pomeroy |
Doctor of Laws |
1918 |
Dawes, Henry Laurens |
Doctor of Laws |
1889 |
Day, Frank Miles |
Master of Arts |
1916 |
Day, Henry Mills |
Bachelor of Arts |
1859 |
Day, Israel |
Master of Arts |
1817 |
Day, Jr., Clarence |
Master of Arts |
1926 |
Day, Thomas |
Doctor of Laws |
1847 |