Beard, Mary |
Doctor of Humanities |
2019 |
Guha, Ramachandra |
Doctor of Humanities |
2014 |
Faust, Drew |
Doctor of Humanities |
2008 |
Heilbron, John |
Doctor of Humanities |
2011 |
Willis, Deborah |
Doctor of Humanities |
2023 |
Abrams, M.H. |
Doctor of Humanities |
2007 |
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty |
Doctor of Humanities |
2015 |
Alter, Robert |
Doctor of Humanities |
2010 |
Mason, Max |
Doctor of Laws |
1926 |
Cuyler, Thomas Dewitt |
Doctor of Laws |
1920 |
Gallaudet, Edward Miner |
Doctor of Laws |
1895 |
Hitchcock, Henry |
Doctor of Laws |
1874 |
Glass, Carter |
Doctor of Laws |
1935 |
Woolley, Mary Emma |
Doctor of Laws |
1923 |
Baldwin, Roger Sherman |
Doctor of Laws |
1845 |
Doar, John |
Doctor of Laws |
1975 |
Smith, Walter Bedell |
Doctor of Laws |
1955 |
McCloy, John Jay |
Doctor of Laws |
1949 |
Peters, Ellen Ash |
Doctor of Laws |
1985 |
Harriman, William A. |
Doctor of Laws |
1964 |
Langa, Pius |
Doctor of Laws |
2007 |
Rubin, Robert E. |
Doctor of Laws |
2001 |
Harriman, Edward R. |
Doctor of Laws |
1960 |
LaGuardia, Fiorello |
Doctor of Laws |
1940 |
Mellon, Andrew William |
Doctor of Laws |
1926 |
Harris, William Torrey |
Doctor of Laws |
1895 |
Hayes, Rutherford Birchard |
Doctor of Laws |
1880 |
Hitchcock, Samuel Johnson |
Doctor of Laws |
1842 |
Hubbard, Samuel |
Doctor of Laws |
1827 |
Cutler, Manasseh |
Doctor of Laws |
1791 |
Hubbard, Richard Dudley |
Doctor of Laws |
1877 |
Foster, Dwight |
Doctor of Laws |
1871 |
Dutton, Henry |
Doctor of Laws |
1854 |
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. |
Doctor of Laws |
1975 |
Byrnes, James Francis |
Doctor of Laws |
1947 |
Wilbur, Ray Lyman |
Doctor of Laws |
1931 |
Kingsbury, Frederick John |
Doctor of Laws |
1899 |
Dexter, Henry Martyn |
Doctor of Laws |
1890 |
Seymour, Origen Storrs |
Doctor of Laws |
1873 |
Still , Charles Janeway |
Doctor of Laws |
1868 |
Stearns, William F. |
Doctor of Laws |
1858 |
Badger, George Edmund |
Doctor of Laws |
1848 |
Wheaton, Nathaniel Shelton |
Doctor of Laws |
1833 |
Ramphal, Shridath S. |
Doctor of Laws |
1985 |
Jessup, Philip C. |
Doctor of Laws |
1964 |
Brennan, Jr., William J. |
Doctor of Laws |
1987 |
Johnson, Jr., Frank Minis |
Doctor of Laws |
1980 |
Lothian, The Marquess of |
Doctor of Laws |
1940 |
Baker, Newton Diehl |
Doctor of Laws |
1932 |
Higgins, Anthony |
Doctor of Laws |
1891 |