Bourgeois, Louise |
Doctor of Fine Arts |
1977 |
Boudinot, Elias |
Doctor of Laws |
1790 |
Booth, Sherman Miller |
Master of Arts |
1891 |
Bonner, Elena |
Doctor of Laws |
1993 |
Bond, Edward |
Doctor of Letters |
1977 |
Bok, Derek C. |
Doctor of Laws |
1971 |
Boiteux, Marcel P. |
Doctor of Social Science |
1982 |
Bogue, David |
Doctor of Divinity |
1808 |
Boesak, Allan A. |
Doctor of Divinity |
1984 |
Boardman, Mabel Thorpe |
Master of Arts |
1911 |
Boardman, Charles Adolphus |
Master of Arts |
1819 |
Blume, Judy |
Doctor of Letters |
2021 |
Blodget, Henry |
Doctor of Divinity |
1872 |
Bliss, Seth |
Master of Arts |
1830 |
Bliss, Porter Cornelius |
Master of Arts |
1869 |
Blegen, Carl William |
Master of Arts |
1927 |
Blatchford, Samuel |
Master of Arts |
1796 |
Blashfield, Edwin Howland |
Master of Arts |
1914 |
Blalock, Alfred |
Master of Science |
1946 |
Blakeslee, Albert Francis |
Doctor of Science |
1947 |
Blake, Joseph Augustus |
Master of Arts |
1909 |
Blake, Eugene |
Doctor of Divinity |
1962 |
Blake, Eli Whitney |
Doctor of Laws |
1879 |
Blackwell, David |
Doctor of Social Science |
1990 |
Blackman, George |
Doctor of Medicine |
1845 |
Blackburn, Elizabeth H. |
Doctor of Science |
1991 |
Black, Hugh |
Doctor of Divinity |
1908 |
Black, Eugene R. |
Doctor of Laws |
1960 |
Bissell, Wilson Shannon |
Doctor of Laws |
1893 |
Bissell, Jr., Richard Mervin |
Master of Arts |
1949 |
Bissell, Emery |
Doctor of Medicine |
1839 |
Bissell, Clark |
Doctor of Laws |
1847 |
Birnie, Rogers |
Master of Arts |
1870 |
Birney, Lauress John |
Doctor of Divinity |
1915 |
Bird, William |
Bachelor of Arts |
1844 |
Bird, William |
Master of Arts |
1856 |
Birch, Robert |
Master of Arts |
1834 |
Bingham, Theodore Alfred |
Master of Arts |
1896 |
Bingham, Hiram |
Master of Arts |
1819 |
Bingham, Hiram |
Doctor of Divinity |
1893 |
Billings, Edward Coke |
Doctor of Laws |
1890 |
Bigelow, Poultney |
Master of Arts |
1900 |
Bigelow, Henry Bryant |
Doctor of Science |
1941 |
Bigelow, Erastus Brigham |
Master of Arts |
1852 |
Bidwell, Marshall Spring |
Doctor of Laws |
1858 |
Bhatt, Ela Ramesh |
Doctor of Social Science |
2002 |
Bevan, Arthur Dean |
Master of Arts |
1916 |
Betts, Frederick Henry |
Doctor of Laws |
1901 |
Bestor, John |
Doctor of Medicine |
1816 |
Bernstein, Robert Louis |
Doctor of Humane Letters |
2003 |