Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Namesort descending Degree Year
Lobenstine, Edwin Carlyle Doctor of Divinity 1936
Lockwood, Samuel Doctor of Divinity 1789
Lodge, Henry Cabot Doctor of Laws 1902
Loeb, Jacques Doctor of Science 1923
Loeffler, Charles Martin Tornov Doctor of Music 1926
Loewi, Otto Doctor of Science 1951
Logan, Cornelius Ambrose Master of Arts 1868
Logie, John Francis Master of Arts 1893
Lohmann, Carl A. Doctor of Humane Letters 1953
Long, Mahlon Master of Arts 1847
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin Doctor of Laws 1841
Loomis, Alfred Lee Master of Science 1933
Loomis, Dwight Doctor of Laws 1896
Loomis, Hubbel Master of Arts 1812
Loomis, James L. Doctor of Laws 1959
Lord, Benjamin Doctor of Divinity 1774
Lord, Daniel Doctor of Laws 1846
Lorenz, Konrad Doctor of Science 1967
Lothian, The Marquess of Doctor of Laws 1940
Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford Doctor of Laws 1892
Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford Master of Arts 1887
Lovett, Robert A. Doctor of Laws 1952
Lovett, Robert Abercrombie Master of Arts 1942
Lovett, Sidney Doctor of Divinity 1958
Lowell, Robert Doctor of Letters 1968
Lowes, John Livingston Doctor of Letters 1928
Lubchenco, Jane Doctor of Science 2012
Lucas, James Joseph Bachelor of Arts 1866
Luccock, Halford E. Doctor of Divinity 1957
Luce, Henry R. Doctor of Laws 1966
Luce, Henry Robinson Master of Arts 1926
Ludlow, Henry Gilbert Master of Arts 1830
Luedeking, Charles Master of Arts 1894
Lunt, Alfred Doctor of Humane Letters 1964
Lusk, Graham Doctor of Science 1908
Lusk, Graham Master of Arts 1896
Lusk, William Thompson Doctor of Laws 1894
Lusk, William Thompson Master of Arts 1872
Luzenberg, Charles Henry Master of Arts 1869
Lydenberg, Harry Miller Doctor of Humane Letters 1946
Lyman, David Russell Master of Arts 1916
Lyman, Eugene William Doctor of Divinity 1912
Lyman, Norman Doctor of Medicine 1831
Lyman, Richard Wall Doctor of Laws 1975
Lyman, Simeon Bachelor of Arts 1802
Lyon, Walter Master of Arts 1782
Ma, Yo-yo Doctor of Music 1987
Maathai, Wangari Doctor of Humane Letters 2004
Macclintock, Nathaniel Master of Arts 1778
Macclintock, Samuel Doctor of Divinity 1791