Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Namesort descending Degree Year
Koh, Tommy T.B. Doctor of Laws 1984
Kollek, Teddy Doctor of Laws 1992
Koo, Vii Kuin Wellington Doctor of Laws 1916
Koussevitzky, Serge Doctor of Music 1938
Kr si, Herman Master of Arts 1872
Kramer, Larry Doctor of Humane Letters 2015
Krehbiel, Henry Edward Master of Arts 1909
Kroeber, Alfred Louis Doctor of Science 1946
Kuffler, Stephen W. Doctor of Science 1972
L tombe, Joseph Philippe Doctor of Laws 1783
Labatt, Henry Jacob Master of Arts 1865
Lacey, Noah A. Doctor of Medicine 1824
Ladd, Abijah Doctor of Medicine 1834
LaFarge, John Master of Arts 1896
LaGuardia, Fiorello Doctor of Laws 1940
Lamar, Howard Roberts Doctor of Laws 1993
Lamar, Joseph Rucker Doctor of Laws 1911
Lambert, Samuel Waldron Master of Arts 1905
Lamson, Caleb Master of Arts 1894
Land, Edwin H. Doctor of Science 1966
Landis, Eugene Markley Master of Science 1938
Landsbergis, Vytautas Doctor of Laws 1992
Laney, James T. Doctor of Humane Letters 1993
Lang, Benjamin Johnson Master of Arts 1903
Lang, Eugene M. Doctor of Humane Letters 1989
Lang, Henry Roseman Master of Arts 1897
Langa, Pius Doctor of Laws 2007
Langer, Robert Doctor of Science 2007
Langer, William L. Doctor of Humane Letters 1956
Lanman, Charles Rockwell Doctor of Laws 1902
László Lovász Doctor of Engineering and Technology 2024
Lathrop, Joseph Doctor of Divinity 1791
Lathrop, Julia Clifford Master of Arts 1921
Latimer, Cortland Lucas Master of Arts 1879
Latourette, Kenneth S. Doctor of Divinity 1957
Laughlin, James Doctor of Humane Letters 1982
Law, Andrew Master of Arts 1786
Law, Richard Doctor of Laws 1802
Law, Walter William Master of Arts 1892
Lawrance, Charles Lanier Master of Arts 1927
Lawrence, Ernest Orlando Doctor of Science 1937
Lawrence, Jacob Doctor of Fine Arts 1986
Lawrence, William Doctor of Divinity 1909
Lawrence, William Beach Master of Arts 1826
Lawrie, Lee Master of Arts 1932
Lay, George Washington Master of Arts 1835
Leakey, Mary Douglas Nicol Doctor of Social Science 1976
Learned, Dwight Whitney Doctor of Divinity 1896
Learned, Samuel Julius Bachelor of Arts 1845
Learned, William Law Doctor of Laws 1878