Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degree Yearsort ascending
Reed, Elijah Fitch Doctor of Medicine 1822
Tisdale, Nathan Doctor of Medicine 1822
VanRensselaer, Stephen Doctor of Laws 1822
Waters, Francis Master of Arts 1822
Watts, Francis Osborn Bachelor of Arts 1822
Wigglesworth, Edward Bachelor of Arts 1822
Williams, Jehiel Doctor of Medicine 1822
Woodward, Samuel Bayard Doctor of Medicine 1822
Alden, Timothy Fox Bachelor of Arts 1821
Clarke, Peter Gilchrist Master of Arts 1821
Dickson, David Doctor of Divinity 1821
Hooper, Nathaniel Leech Bachelor of Arts 1821
Ives, Ansel W. Master of Arts 1821
Sessions, Horace Bachelor of Arts 1821
Snell, Martin Master of Arts 1821
Whitman, William Elnathan Bachelor of Arts 1821
Alden, Robert Wormsted Bachelor of Arts 1821
Converse, Alexander Backus Master of Arts 1820
Gannett, Ezra Stiles Bachelor of Arts 1820
Hughes, Joseph Doctor of Divinity 1820
Hyde, Oren Master of Arts 1820
Jacobs, George Washington Master of Arts 1820
Judd, Jonathan Master of Arts 1820
Morgan, Nicholson Ross Master of Arts 1820
Owen, John Doctor of Divinity 1820
Palmer, Joseph Doctor of Medicine 1820
Wells, Samuel Master of Arts 1820
Bingham, Hiram Master of Arts 1819
Boardman, Charles Adolphus Master of Arts 1819
Buel, William Doctor of Medicine 1819
Coolidge, Thomas Bulfinch Bachelor of Arts 1819
Craig, James Alexander Master of Arts 1819
Elliott, Stephen Doctor of Laws 1819
Goodman, Epaphras Master of Arts 1819
Gould, James Doctor of Laws 1819
Graham, William Master of Arts 1819
Johnson, William Samuel Master of Arts 1819
Miner, Thomas Doctor of Medicine 1819
Parsons, Enoch Thomas Bachelor of Arts 1819
Snelling, George Henry Bachelor of Arts 1819
Sterling, John William Doctor of Medicine 1819
Tully, William Doctor of Medicine 1819
Wolcott, Oliver Doctor of Laws 1819
Adams, Jasper Master of Arts 1819
Bartlett, John Sherren Doctor of Medicine 1819
McCurdy, John Master of Arts 1818
Orr, William Master of Arts 1818
Peters, John Samuel Doctor of Medicine 1818
Trumbull, John Doctor of Laws 1818
Wagner, John Doctor of Medicine 1818