Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degree Yearsort ascending
Mead, Heman Master of Arts 1870
Moseley, Edward Strong Master of Arts 1870
Raynolds, Thomas Bond Master of Arts 1870
Seymour, Thomas Day Bachelor of Arts 1870
Strong, William Doctor of Laws 1870
Thacher, Ralph Patridge Emilius Master of Arts 1870
Trowbridge, William Petit Master of Arts 1870
Walker, George Leon Doctor of Divinity 1870
Whitney, Josiah Dwight Doctor of Laws 1870
Willcox, William Henry Master of Arts 1870
Bliss, Porter Cornelius Master of Arts 1869
Harris, William Torrey Master of Arts 1869
Luzenberg, Charles Henry Master of Arts 1869
Perrin, Lavalette Doctor of Divinity 1869
Salisbury, Edward Elbridge Doctor of Laws 1869
Shrady, George Frederic Master of Arts 1869
Steiner, Lewis Henry Master of Arts 1869
Tarbox, Increase Niles Doctor of Divinity 1869
Taylor, Henry Wyllys Doctor of Laws 1869
Whitney, Eli Master of Arts 1869
Abbott, Ezra Doctor of Laws 1869
Still , Charles Janeway Doctor of Laws 1868
Trow, George William Master of Arts 1868
White, Joseph Doctor of Laws 1868
Brinley, George Master of Arts 1868
Bromley, Isaac Hill Master of Arts 1868
Buckingham, Samuel Giles Doctor of Divinity 1868
Carpenter, Elisha Master of Arts 1868
Gardner, James Terry Bachelor of Philosophy 1868
Gray, John Doctor of Medicine 1868
Griggs, Leverett Doctor of Divinity 1868
Logan, Cornelius Ambrose Master of Arts 1868
McCurdy, Charles Johnson Doctor of Laws 1868
Roosa, Daniel Bennett St. John Master of Arts 1868
Austin, Robert John Locke Master of Arts 1867
Barnett, James George Doctor of Music 1867
Burrows, Roswell Smith Master of Arts 1867
Ely, Charles Master of Arts 1867
Fisher, George Park Master of Arts 1867
Norton, William Augustus Master of Arts 1867
Rangabe, Alexander Rizos Doctor of Laws 1867
Robert, James Alexander Master of Arts 1867
Robinson, Abraham Hazen Doctor of Medicine 1867
Stanton, Edwin McMasters Doctor of Laws 1867
Taft, Alphonso Doctor of Laws 1867
Vermilye, Thomas Edward Master of Arts 1867
Verrill, Addison Emery Master of Arts 1867
Whitaker, Epher Master of Arts 1867
Whitney, William Dwight Master of Arts 1867
Buckingham, William Alfred Doctor of Laws 1866