Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Patten, William Master of Arts 1758
Lang, Benjamin Johnson Master of Arts 1903
Ripley, Alfred Lawrence Master of Arts 1888
Barrows, William Eliot Master of Arts 1882
Platt, Thomas Collier Master of Arts 1876
Corliss, Frederick William Master of Arts 1864
Hill, Benjamin Munro Master of Arts 1835
Champion, Henry Master of Arts 1817
Fiske, Moses Master of Arts 1793
Dana, Josiah Master of Arts 1766
Treat, Salmon Master of Arts 1702
Sherk, F. Allen Master of Arts 1961
Smith, Oliver Cotton Master of Arts 1914
Thomas, John Hampden Master of Arts 1899
Andrews, William Loring Master of Arts 1893
Simonds, William Edgar Master of Arts 1890
Latimer, Cortland Lucas Master of Arts 1879
Carleton, Isaac Newton Master of Arts 1872
Norton, William Augustus Master of Arts 1867
Johnson, Samuel William Master of Arts 1857
Baldwin, John Dennison Master of Arts 1839
Coe, Truman Master of Arts 1825
Graham, William Master of Arts 1819
Oliver, Francis Johonnot Master of Arts 1799
Hallock, Jeremiah Master of Arts 1788
Foster, Dan Master of Arts 1774
Palmer, Joseph Master of Arts 1753
Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague Master of Arts 1927
Ochs, Adolph S. Master of Arts 1922
Eddy, George Sherwood Master of Arts 1916
Kennedy, Julian Master of Arts 1900
Bassett, Homer Franklin Master of Arts 1894
Pomeroy, Hiram Sterling Master of Arts 1891
Egleston, Melville Master of Arts 1886
Woodruff, Morris Master of Arts 1874
Brinley, George Master of Arts 1868
Green, Richard William Master of Arts 1833
Niles, Benjamin Master of Arts 1815
Byles, Mather Master of Arts 1757
Blake, Joseph Augustus Master of Arts 1909
Pettit, James Sumner Master of Arts 1903
Wurts, John Master of Arts 1897
Harper, Orlando Metcalf Master of Arts 1892
Brooks, Joshua Twing Master of Arts 1882
Savage, Alexander Duncan Master of Arts 1876
Wait, John Turner Master of Arts 1871
Williams, William Frederick Master of Arts 1854
Yale, Elisha Master of Arts 1829
Crosswell, Harry Master of Arts 1817
Perry, Frederick Master of Arts 1806