Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Merwin, Alexander Moss Master of Arts 1880
Donaghe, William Rice Master of Arts 1859
Evans, Gurdon Master of Arts 1850
Fisher, Jesse Master of Arts 1815
Southwick, Solomon Master of Arts 1780
Belmont, Eleanor Robson Master of Arts 1948
Fischer, Arthur Frederick Master of Arts 1939
Byrd, Richard Evelyn Master of Arts 1927
Day, Frank Miles Master of Arts 1916
Hutchings, George Sherburn Master of Arts 1903
Edwards, Tryon Holkar Master of Arts 1892
Pierson, Stephen Master of Arts 1888
Thompson, Curtis Master of Arts 1871
Bradley, William Czar Master of Arts 1817
Hare, Robert Master of Arts 1806
Sergeant, Erastus Master of Arts 1784
Wendell, John Master of Arts 1768
Moss, Joseph Master of Arts 1702
Hyde, Clement Collester Master of Arts 1924
Beaux, Cecilia Master of Arts 1912
Keep, Theodore John Master of Arts 1879
Burritt, Elihu Master of Arts 1872
Fisher, George Park Master of Arts 1867
Duffield, Divie Bethune Master of Arts 1857
Fairchild, Ezra Master of Arts 1831
Willard, Samuel Master of Arts 1810
Munsell, Jabez Master of Arts 1799
Gilbert, Sylvester Master of Arts 1788
Eliot, Andrew Master of Arts 1774
Leonard, George Master of Arts 1753
Davis, John Staige Master of Arts 1925
Nelson, Edward William Master of Arts 1920
Crump, John Guy Master of Arts 1886
Mitchell, Alfred Master of Arts 1880
Spaulding, John Master of Arts 1874
Still , Alfred Master of Arts 1850
Converse, Alexander Backus Master of Arts 1820
Whitridge, William Master of Arts 1791
Bradner, Benoni Master of Arts 1758
Smith, Oliver Cotton Master of Arts 1914
Kendall, Calvin Noyes Master of Arts 1900
Palmer, Arthur Hubbell Master of Arts 1891
Rogers, William Augustus Master of Arts 1880
Thompson, Launt Master of Arts 1874
Whitney, Eli Master of Arts 1869
Smith, Oscar Moses Master of Arts 1859
Bowdoin, James Master of Arts 1826
Harrison, Fosdick Master of Arts 1815
King, Asa Master of Arts 1802
Chauncey, Charles Master of Arts 1779