Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Morse, Edward Sylvester Doctor of Science 1918
Freeman, John Ripley Doctor of Science 1931
Millikan, Robert Andrews Doctor of Science 1925
Tolman, Edward Chace Doctor of Science 1951
Irvine, Sir James Colquhoun Doctor of Science 1927
Blackburn, Elizabeth H. Doctor of Science 1991
Urey, Harold Clayton Doctor of Science 1951
Keyes, Frederick George Doctor of Science 1934
Bargmann, Cornelia Doctor of Science 2017
Ingelfinger, Franz J. Doctor of Science 1979
Mayr, Ernest Doctor of Science 1959
Vickery, Hubert Bradford Doctor of Science 1947
Lawrence, Ernest Orlando Doctor of Science 1937
Compton, Arthur Holly Doctor of Science 1929
Karikó, Katalin Doctor of Science 2022
Lubchenco, Jane Doctor of Science 2012
Singer, Maxine Doctor of Science 1994
Zinsser, Hans Doctor of Science 1939
von Karman, Theodore Doctor of Science 1951
Meyer, Adolf Doctor of Science 1934
Whipple, George Hoyt Doctor of Science 1947
Northrop, John Howard Doctor of Science 1937
Weissman, Drew Doctor of Science 2022
Richards, Theodore William Doctor of Science 1905
Lorenz, Konrad Doctor of Science 1967
Teller, Edward Doctor of Science 1954
Opie, Eugene Lindsay Doctor of Science 1931
Pierce, John R. Doctor of Science 1963
Henderson, Donald Ainslie Doctor of Science 1986
Whitney, Hassler Doctor of Science 1947
Moore, Eliakim Hastings Doctor of Science 1909
Meyerowitz, Elliot M. Doctor of Science 2014
Yanofsky, Charles Doctor of Science 1981
Beadle, George Wells Doctor of Science 1947
Simon, Herbert A. Doctor of Science 1963
Kendall, Edward Calvin Doctor of Science 1950
Seldin, Donald W. Doctor of Science 1988
Kilby, Jack St. Clair Doctor of Science 1996
Kuffler, Stephen W. Doctor of Science 1972
Alberts, Bruce Doctor of Science 1999
Morley, Edward Williams Doctor of Science 1909
Palade, George E. Doctor of Science 1967
Blakeslee, Albert Francis Doctor of Science 1947
Greenewalt, Crawford H. Doctor of Science 1969
Wiles, Andrew Doctor of Science 2005
Nathans, Daniel Doctor of Science 1986
Pfaffmann, Carl Doctor of Science 1972
Curie,Marie, Madame Doctor of Science 1921
Sedgwick, William Thompson Doctor of Science 1909
Wheeler, John Archibald Doctor of Science 1974