Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Leakey, Mary Douglas Nicol Doctor of Social Science 1976
Boiteux, Marcel P. Doctor of Social Science 1982
Summers, Lawrence Doctor of Social Science 2002
Yellen, Janet Louise Doctor of Social Science 2015
Mahzarin R. Banaji Doctor of Social Science 2024
Erikson, Erik H. Doctor of Social Science 1971
Ferejohn, John Doctor of Social Science 2007
Wildavsky, Aaron Doctor of Social Science 1993
Bruner, Jerome S. Doctor of Social Science 1975
McClintock, Barbara Doctor of Science 1982
Morgan, William W. Doctor of Science 1978
Burn, Joshua H. Doctor of Science 1957
Mavalvala, Nergis Doctor of Science 2021
Hoffmann, Roald Doctor of Science 1980
van Slyke, Donald Dexter Doctor of Science 1925
Stratton, Samuel Wesley Doctor of Science 1919
Noyes, Arthur Amos Doctor of Science 1913
Langer, Robert Doctor of Science 2007
Collins, Francis S. Doctor of Science 1992
Baltimore, David Doctor of Science 2004
Merrifield, Robert B. Doctor of Science 1971
Loewi, Otto Doctor of Science 1951
Wu, Chien-Shiung Doctor of Science 1967
Lederberg, Joshua Doctor of Science 1960
Dana, Samuel Trask Doctor of Science 1953
Coe, Wesley Roswell Doctor of Science 1947
Coons, Albert H. Doctor of Science 1961
Stead, Jr., Eugene A. Doctor of Science 1971
Berliner, Robert W. Doctor of Science 1973
Conklin, Edwin Grant Doctor of Science 1930
Wilson, Edward O. Doctor of Science 1998
Varmus, Dr. Harold E. Doctor of Science 2001
Merton, Robert K. Doctor of Science 1968
Parr, Albert Eide Doctor of Science 1946
Carty, John Joseph Doctor of Science 1922
Flexner, Simon Doctor of Science 1910
Ebert, James David Doctor of Science 1973
Rubey, William W. Doctor of Science 1960
Enders, John Franklin Doctor of Science 1953
Evans, Alexander William Doctor of Science 1947
Banting, Frederick Grant Doctor of Science 1924
Wilson, J. Tuzo Doctor of Science 1982
Rous, Peyton Doctor of Science 1949
Doudna, Jennifer Doctor of Science 2016
Fisher, Michael E. Doctor of Science 1987
Benzer, Seymour Doctor of Science 1977
Mathewson, Champion Herbert Doctor of Science 1951
Carter, Howard Doctor of Science 1924
Hawking, Stephen W. Doctor of Science 1989
Simpson, George Gaylord Doctor of Science 1946