Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Augur, Hezekiah Master of Arts 1833
Judd, Jehiel Master of Arts 1816
Arnold, Josias Lyndon Master of Arts 1791
Prime, Benjamin Youngs Master of Arts 1760
Addams, Jane Master of Arts 1910
Ely, John Slade Master of Arts 1897
Bartlett, Charles Griswold Master of Arts 1888
Moore, George Foote Master of Arts 1883
Durfee, Bradford Matthew Chaloner Master of Arts 1871
Putnam, James Osborne Master of Arts 1865
Tyler, Daniel Master of Arts 1830
Todd, Ambrose Seymour Master of Arts 1824
Field, Joseph Master of Arts 1795
Kellogg, Solomon Master of Arts 1770
Hubbard, John Master of Arts 1730
Luce, Henry Robinson Master of Arts 1926
Coase, Ronald H. Doctor of Social Science 1989
Ranney, Austin Doctor of Social Science 1985
de Waal, Frans Doctor of Social Science 2018
Debreu, Gerard Doctor of Social Science 1987
Yunus, Muhammad Doctor of Social Science 1998
Strathern, A. Marilyn Doctor of Social Science 2010
Geertz, Clifford Doctor of Social Science 1987
Duflo, Esther Doctor of Social Science 2013
Gilbert, Daniel Todd Doctor of Social Science 2021
Arrow, Kenneth J. Doctor of Social Science 1974
Piaget, Jean Doctor of Social Science 1970
de la Soudiere, Marie Doctor of Social Science 2000
Mosteller, Frederick Doctor of Social Science 1981
Bacow, Lawrence S. Doctor of Social Science 2019
Rivlin, Alice M. Doctor of Social Science 1984
Baird, Jessie Little Doe Doctor of Social Science 2017
Schelling, Thomas Doctor of Social Science 2009
Kahneman, Daniel Doctor of Social Science 2014
Samuelson, Paul Doctor of Social Science 2005
Gibson, Eleanor Jack Doctor of Social Science 1996
Patterson, Orlando Doctor of Social Science 2022
Tversky, Amos Doctor of Social Science 1994
Miller, George A. Doctor of Social Science 1979
Sen, Amartya K. Doctor of Social Science 2003
Moss, Cynthia Doctor of Social Science 2019
Assmann, Jan Doctor of Social Science 2004
Wilson, William Julius Doctor of Social Science 2012
Bhatt, Ela Ramesh Doctor of Social Science 2002
Argyris, Chris Doctor of Social Science 2011
Blackwell, David Doctor of Social Science 1990
Lewis, Sir W. Arthur Doctor of Social Science 1983
Solow, Robert M. Doctor of Social Science 1986
Steele, Claude M. Doctor of Social Science 2002
Hirschman, Albert O. Doctor of Social Science 1990