Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Dickson, David Master of Arts 1808
Swift, Herman Master of Arts 1797
Ward, Samuel Master of Arts 1787
Sedgwick, Theodore Master of Arts 1772
Storer, Ebenezer Master of Arts 1750
Reisner, John Henry Master of Arts 1950
Boyden, Frank Learoyd Master of Arts 1926
Gooch, Frank Austin Master of Arts 1887
Raynolds, Thomas Bond Master of Arts 1870
Canning, Edward Weeks Boldero Master of Arts 1852
McFee, William Master of Arts 1936
Hornaday, William Temple Master of Arts 1917
De Tavera, Trinidad H. Pardo Master of Arts 1904
Tufts, George Keyes Master of Arts 1898
Manierre, George Master of Arts 1893
Hincks, William Bliss Master of Arts 1878
Brownell, Grove Lawrence Master of Arts 1816
Goodhue, Benjamin Master of Arts 1804
Moore, Thomas Master of Arts 1792
Wadhams, Noah Master of Arts 1764
Hedding, Elijah Master of Arts 1824
Smith, Hezekiah Master of Arts 1772
Tyler, Royall Master of Arts 1750
Benson, John H. Master of Arts 1955
Curtiss, Julian Wheeler Master of Arts 1926
Coxe, Magrane Master of Arts 1908
Peabody, Endicott Master of Arts 1902
Hadley, Arthur Twining Master of Arts 1887
Peters, George Absalom Master of Arts 1881
Tredwell, Timothy Master of Arts 1875
Thomson, William Hanna Master of Arts 1861
Jay, Pierre Master of Arts 1917
Goodyear, William Henry Master of Arts 1904
McClurg, Alexander Caldwell Master of Arts 1893
Sharp, George Matthews Master of Arts 1889
Warner, Charles Dudley Master of Arts 1872
Trumbull, Henry Clay Master of Arts 1866
Eaton, James Stewart Master of Arts 1855
Baldwin, Abraham Chittenden Master of Arts 1843
Jackson, William Master of Arts 1763
Adams, Ripley Perkins Master of Arts 1837
Gibbs, George Master of Arts 1808
Whiting, Samuel Master of Arts 1772
Balch, Thomas Master of Arts 1741
Foltz, Jonathan Messersmith Master of Arts 1837
Johnson, Robert Charles Master of Arts 1830
Hawks, Francis Lister Master of Arts 1818
Leonard, George Master of Arts 1808
Law, Andrew Master of Arts 1786
Close, John Master of Arts 1771