Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Name Degreesort ascending Year
Scranton, William W. not noted 1975
Amman, Othmar Hermann Master of Science 1932
Gamble, James Lawder Master of Science 1930
Huggins, Charles Brenton Master of Science 1947
Sikorsky, Igor Master of Science 1935
Goodpasture, Ernest William Master of Science 1939
Behnke,Albert Richard Master of Science 1942
Eagle, Harry Master of Science 1948
Detwiler, Samuel Randall Master of Science 1931
Shannon, Claude Elwood Master of Science 1954
Fisher, Richard Thornton Master of Science 1929
Smith, Homer William Master of Science 1937
Landis, Eugene Markley Master of Science 1938
Blalock, Alfred Master of Science 1946
Francis, Jr.,Thomas Master of Science 1941
Castle, William Bosworth Master of Science 1933
Smadel, Joseph Edwin Master of Science 1950
Ellsworth, Lincoln Master of Science 1933
Loomis, Alfred Lee Master of Science 1933
Shope, Richard Edwin Master of Science 1936
Graham, Evarts Ambrose Master of Science 1928
Gardner, Leroy Upson Master of Science 1940
Hartness, James Master of Arts 1914
Houghteling, James Lawrence Master of Arts 1901
Richards, Eugene Lamb Master of Arts 1887
Gould, Horace Bunch Master of Arts 1880
Bliss, Porter Cornelius Master of Arts 1869
Walcott, Frederic Collin Master of Arts 1917
Merwin, Samuel Edwin Master of Arts 1904
Ely, Theodore Newel Master of Arts 1897
Bendelari, George Anacleto Corrado Master of Arts 1888
Pettengill, Benjamin Dean Master of Arts 1883
Davie, Winston Jones Master of Arts 1877
Farnam, Henry Master of Arts 1871
Park, John Duane Master of Arts 1860
Kilbourn, James Master of Arts 1851
Dow, Virgil Maro Master of Arts 1842
Childs, Francis Master of Arts 1791
Read, Josiah Master of Arts 1781
Wells, Henry Master of Arts 1760
Howe, Arthur Master of Arts 1940
Shields, Charles Patrick Master of Arts 1865
Burnet, George William Master of Arts 1829
Vaill, Herman Landon Master of Arts 1824
McCurdy, John Master of Arts 1818
Hart, Abijah Master of Arts 1795
Everett, Daniel Master of Arts 1785
Brattle, Thomas Master of Arts 1769
Tennent, Gilbert Master of Arts 1725
Granger, Arthur Master of Arts 1840