Yale Corporation Support
The Yale Corporation is the senior policy-making body for Yale University and advises on numerous issues. Compared to the governing boards of other educational institutions, the Yale Corporation is smaller and plays an unusually active role in University governance. The Yale Corporation has nineteen members: the President of the University; ten Successor Trustees, who elect their own successors to up to two six-year terms; six Alumni Fellows, who are elected by the alumni for staggered six-year terms; and the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the State of Connecticut, ex officio.
- View a list of the current members of the Yale Corporation and their brief biographies.
- View the Yale Corporation By-Laws and Miscellaneous Regulations.
The Corporation meets five times during the year and occasionally in special session, and has twelve standing committees: Audit, Buildings and Grounds, Compensation, Development and Alumni Affairs, Educational Policy, Finance, Honorary Degrees, Institutional Policies, Investments, Investor Responsibility, School of Medicine, and Trusteeship. The Office of the Secretary provides support to the Yale Corporation, such as managing matters relating to its meetings, conducting the annual Alumni Fellow election, and maintaining records relating to its actions and decisions. Access to Corporation proceedings is restricted. An access policy describes the access parameters.