McLaughlin Memorial (1894)
McLAUGHLIN MEMORIAL (1894). Friends and pupils in memory of Professor Edward T. McLaughlin, B.A. 1883. First and second prizes, in books, awarded for encouragement of English composition in freshman year.
McLAUGHLIN MEMORIAL (1894). Friends and pupils in memory of Professor Edward T. McLaughlin, B.A. 1883. First and second prizes, in books, awarded for encouragement of English composition in freshman year.
SHOLOM HERSON & MARCIA HERSON SCHOLARSHIP (1927). Newton Rudolph Herson, B.A. 1926 in memory of his parents. To a Senior who intends to do graduate work in English literature.
JOHN HERSEY (1985). Students of John Hersey. To a senior or junior for a body of journalistic work reflecting the spirit and ideals of John Hersey: engagement with moral and social issues, responsible reportage, and consciousness of craftsmanship.
JOHN HUBBARD CURTIS (1900). Mrs. Thomas W. T. Curtis in memory of her son, John H. Curtis, B.A. 1887. Awarded for literary or rhetorical work on assigned topics.
ALBERT STANBURROUGH COOK (1925). Professor Albert Stanburrough Cook, M.A. Hon. 1889, to provide for continuance of a prize given by him for many years. Awarded for the best unpublished poem or group of poems. Competition open to all students regularly enrolled in the University.
BLOCH (1941). Bequest of Solomon M. Bloch. A book prize for the freshman who shall write the best essay in English. Consult the department for deadline.
C. WYLLYS BETTS (1890). Established through the Phelps Association by Louis F. H. Betts, B.A. 1891, in memory of his uncle, C. Wyllys Betts, B.A. 1867. For a sophomore for meritorious work in required compositions of the year or in a special essay on a prescribed subject or subject chosen by the student and approved by the faculty.
GORDON BARBER MEMORIAL (1985). Melanie G. Barber in memory of her son, Gordon Barber. A poetry award open to all students regularly enrolled in the University.
DONALD ANNIS (1908). Mr. and Mrs. Newton Annis of Detroit, in memory of their son, Donald Annis, Class of 1910. For the best record as a freshman and sophomore in courses in English and German aggregating not less than twelve hours of classroom work.
ACADEMY OF AMERICAN POETS (1954). Mrs. Mary Cummings Eudy, a former member of the Academy. Awarded annually for the best poem or group of poems, unpublished or published in a University magazine, submitted during the year. All unpublished entries for this prize will also be eligible for the Cook Prize. Competition open to all students regularly enrolled in the University.