Lectureships Overseen by Individual Committees

The following lectureships are overseen by individual committees, which are appointed by the president of the university. Lecturer recommendations may be made directly to the committees.

Gordon Grand Visiting Fellowship Fund

Lectures by outstanding people from business, financial, and related governmental worlds. Contact Heather Calabrese, Assistant Vice President: university traditions, strategic communications and events

Poynter Fellowship

Lectures by distinguished figures in the media and public affairs who will talk with students on topics of broad general interest and importance. Contact Bliss Massaro, Director of Operations, Project Management & Program Planning

Hepsa Ely Silliman Memorial Lectureship

Lectures that illustrate the “presence and wisdom of God, as manifest in the natural and moral world.” Contact Heather Calabrese, Assistant Vice President: university traditions, strategic communications and events

Dwight H. Terry Lectureship

Lectures on religion in the light of science and philosophy. Contact Julia Hsieh, Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary and Vice President for University Life