Monterey Park - A Message from Secretary and Vice President for University Life Kimberly Goff-Crews

January 23, 2023

On Saturday evening, as many families gathered across the globe to celebrate Lunar New Year, 11 people were tragically killed and 9 more wounded in Monterey Park, California. Our hearts are with the family and loved ones of those killed and wounded, and with the entire Asian community. This magnitude of loss is a tragedy at any time, but especially as communities were coming together to celebrate the light, love, and community that Lunar New Year represents.  

University resources are available to those needing support.  These include:

University help and support is also available for any concerns related to discrimination and harassment.  If you feel threatened or unsafe call the Yale Police (203-432-4400) or 911 (for emergencies) immediately.

Members of the university wished to show their support to the aid efforts underway in Monterey Park can visit this list on the Asian American Cultural Center website.