Honorary Degrees Since 1702

Namesort descending Degree Year
Mason, John Young Bachelor of Arts 1818
Mason, Max Doctor of Laws 1926
Mason, William Doctor of Music 1872
Mason, William Smith Master of Arts 1924
Massey, Honorable Vincent Doctor of Laws 1929
Massey, Walter E. Doctor of Science 1992
Masur, Kurt Doctor of Music 1994
Mather, Samuel Master of Arts 1724
Matheson, James Doctor of Divinity 1834
Mathewson, Champion Herbert Doctor of Science 1951
Mathias, Jr., Charles McC. Doctor of Laws 1987
Matthews, James McFarlane Doctor of Divinity 1823
Matthews, Stanley Doctor of Laws 1888
Matthiessen, Peter Doctor of Letters 2007
Mavalvala, Nergis Doctor of Science 2021
May, Robert McCredie Doctor of Science 1993
Mayo, William Carrington Master of Arts 1895
Mayr, Ernest Doctor of Science 1959
Mays, Willie Doctor of Humane Letters 2004
McAllister, Matthew Hall Master of Arts 1860
McBride, Malcolm Lee Master of Arts 1920
McCabe, William Gordon Doctor of Letters 1897
McCartney, Paul Doctor of Music 2008
McClenahan, Robert Stewart Master of Arts 1919
McClintock, Barbara Doctor of Science 1982
McClintock, Emory Doctor of Laws 1899
McClintock, Walter Master of Arts 1911
McCloy, John Jay Doctor of Laws 1949
McClure, James Gore King Doctor of Divinity 1906
McClure, Jr. James Gore King Master of Arts 1937
McClurg, Alexander Caldwell Master of Arts 1893
McConaughy, James Lukens Doctor of Laws 1938
McConechy, James Master of Arts 1825
McConnell, Francis John Doctor of Divinity 1930
McCord, James I. Doctor of Divinity 1987
McCormick, Vance Criswell Master of Arts 1907
McCoy, General Frank Ross Doctor of Laws 1942
McCullough, David Doctor of Letters 1998
McCurdy, Charles Johnson Doctor of Laws 1868
McCurdy, John Master of Arts 1818
McDonald, Audra Doctor of Music 2016
McDonald, Samuel Percy Bachelor of Arts 1829
McElligott, Hames Napoleon Master of Arts 1849
McFarland, Asa Doctor of Divinity 1812
McFee, William Master of Arts 1936
McIlwain, Charles Howard Doctor of Letters 1951
McKinley, William Doctor of Laws 1898
McKnight, John Doctor of Divinity 1791
McKnight, John Morin Scott Master of Arts 1846
McLean, George Payne Master of Arts 1904